Characteristics permitted and limiting provisions shall be:
Checks - seasoning checks not limited. Through checks at ends are limited as splits.
Knots - not restricted as to quality and are permitted in the following sizes or their equivalent displacement
Width |
Anywhere on
Wide Face |
(any cause)*
2" |
1" |
3/4" |
3" |
1 1/2" |
1" |
4" |
2" |
1 1/4" |
*holes maximum permission: one hole or equivalent smaller holes per 2 lin. ft.
Manufacture - Standard “F” Manuacture admits: very heavy torn grain; raised grain; very heavy loosened grain; heavy machine bite; machine gouge; heavy machine offset; chip marks; knife marks; medium wavy dressing; medium mismatch.
Pitch & Pitch Streaks - not limited.
Pockets - pitch or bark, not limited. |
Shake - if through at ends, limited as splits. Away from ends through shakes up to 2’ long, well separated. If not through, single shakes shall not exceed 3’ long or 1/4 the length, whichever is greater.
Skips - hit and miss, with a maximum of 5% of the pieces containing hit or miss or heavy skip 2’ or less in length.
Slope of Grain - 1 in 4.
Splits - equal to 1½ times the width of the piece.
Stain - stained sapwood. Firm heart stain or firm red heart. Not limited.
Unsound Wood - small spots or streaks of firm honeycomb or peck are limited to 1/6 the width.
Wane - 1/3 the thickness and 1/3 the width, full length or equivalent on each face, provided that wane not exceed 2/3 the thickness or 1/2 the width for up to 1/4 the length.
Warp - light.
White Speck & Honey Comb - firm, 1/3 the face or equivalent. |